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About Us

Crosspoint Church is a place for worship. We focus our attention on God, giving Him our worship. A place for learning. Nothing compares to the joy of learning from God's word. A place for enrichment. We seek to minister to everyone at their own level, kids, teens, and adults. A place for friendship Nothing quite compares to the joy of Christian fellowship. A place for service. Just as Jesus Christ came "not to be ministered unto, but to minister..." we accept our responsibility to reach out in service to others and give others the opportunity to serve.


Eddie Hancock

Lead Pastor

Eddie was born in South Carolina but grew up in a military home. He’s lived from Georgia, Virginia
and Texas in the south to Alaska in the northwest. He served churches in Nevada for thirty years as
a youth leader, lead pastor, and missionary. In 2014 God called him to become lead pastor of
Crosspoint Church!

He works across North America and in West Africa developing coaches and coaching delivery
systems for church planters. He has been a coach and coach developer since 2011.
Terri is Eddie’s wife. They have been married for 37 years. Rachel Arms and Kyle Hancock are
their children.

Rachel, her husband, Nick, and their three kids, Kaylie, Jordan and Landon live in southeast
Oklahoma. Kyle and his wife, Hannah, live in Hilo, Hawaii.

Eddie loves to fish, read, and travel with his wife. He enjoys playing the piano and guitar. He can
often be found at the bowling alley Friday afternoons. He is a morning person and loves coffee!

Once he was asked, “What motivates you?”
Here’s what he says:

“God says in the Bible that He works in each of us the desire and the ability to do what
glorifies him. I am motivated by a desire to glorify God the best I can! God also said HE
prepares good things for us to do every day. Every day is A discovery of THE
ADVENTURES God HAD prepared! God ALSO SAYS He creates and loves
unique people. Every person I meet is a creation of God, profoundly valuable and loved!”

Dave Clason

Youth Pastor

My name is Dave Clason, I began serving at Crosspoint Church of Caldwell in 2002, as a student ministries pastor. I love to work with students, God has given me a passion and a burden to see students come follow Jesus, and to learn to live their life as a follower of Jesus. Many years ago, I chose to take seriously the words of Paul when he said, follow me as I follow Christ. I strive to be that person who sets the example of Christ.

My wife Laura and I have been working in student ministries for 36 years. We have 3 children and two

Crosspoint Church of Caldwell

912 W Linden St

Caldwell, ID 83605


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